Thursday, March 8, 2012

Wait, what?

Hey all!  I know it's been a while, but honestly, I haven't wanted to blog.  I've been so busy with some transitions in my life that I haven't been able to exercise.  I haven't eaten terribly, but I also haven't eat very well.  Because of these two things, I haven't really lost weight.  My current weight it 183 and I didn't really want to blog about not doing well (also I didn't really have the time).  So I didn't blog.  Sorry guys! 

Hopefully this month will settle down some and I can get into a good groove so that both exercising and blogging will make a return to my daily routine.  Until then, please excuse my absence.  I may continue to be alittle MIA for awhile.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Rollin w the punches

Hello all!  So I just did my first weigh in for February.  I gained about 2 pounds (doh!).  I'm trying to not let this get at me too much because I know that your weight can fluctuate about 2 pounds every day.  As far as exercise, still working out, but this week I started using the Arms and Ab work out and the Cardio step workout.  I did the Arms and Abs workout yesterday and I am still feeling it.  Every time I cough or laugh, my poor abs hurt, lol!  I still need to do the Cardio step workout today so this will be a short post so I can go workout.  Later ladies!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Breakn ' A Sweat

My goals for January were to lose 10 pounds and get my little (who are we kidding, my BIG ass) moving!  So on this first day of Febuary, I decided to review a little bit about my January to share with you guys how I did.

  Well, shit buckets.  I ate like crap.  I did eat a butt load of fresh fruits and veggies and drank loads of water to stay hydrated.  However, I also kept eating 'no-no's.  My favorite friend, the brownie, along with fast food (damn you McDonalds!), were too difficult to give up.  I know that they are crap and bad for me, but they are sooooo addicting!

  I actually did pretty well with this one!  My original goal was to do something everyday of the month.  Well, that didn't happen, BUT I did workout more days than I sat on my ass.  I worked out 18 days this month.  That's something right?! 

  When I started the month, I would get winded going up the stairs, had a (more than) sedentary lifestyle, and was in the BMI range that classified me as obese.  At the end of the month, I can make it up the stairs without getting winded, I am moving so much that I take Slinky (my weiner dog) on walks a lot.  I haven't walked around the park in YEARS!  But there me and Slinky are, just little walking weirdos in the park with him trying to pee on everything we passed and me zoned out listening to Skrillex and Deadmau5.  :)  When I got on the Wii yesterday, the 31st, it told me that since my weigh in on the 1st, I lost a total of 5 pounds.  5 pounds in the month of January!!! It's not my goal of 10, but it's awesome none the less!  I just realized I use a crapton of exclamation points (!!) haha.

New Goals for February:
  KEEP MOVING.  I need to workout more days than 18 days this month.  Keep improving!  Also, I got my cleanse stuff today, so that will help out this month too.  I'll keep updating you guys on how that's going.  Alright ladies, until next time.... keep up the amazing work!

Monday, January 30, 2012

Another one bites the dust

So this week has been pretty good.  I got on the Wii fit again today and I lost another 2 pounds!  Yippiee!  When I actually work out, I do lose the weight.  It's just sometimes so very hard to get yourself motivated to actually work out (I totally just re-read that sentence with the voice of Eeyore from Winnie the Pooh, hehe).  Anyway, I have been doing awesome with water, still at least 80 ounces of water a day (yea!).  Also, awesome with the fruits and veggies (double yea!).  Over the weekend it was my parents 49th wedding anniversary so we had lots of food and a gigantic bouqet of fruit from Edible Arrangements.  If you haven't had that place, it's delicious.  I mean really, it's fresh fruit, how could you go wrong?

BUT, I also had fast food, and brownies (yes, multiple).  I'm finding it's easy to add the good/healthy things to my routine, but it's hella hard to get rid of the bad things.  Does anyone else seem to have this problem?  Hmm.... I seem to still be losing weight since I started moving my fat ass, but I'm sure I would lose more if I stopped eating crap.  Well, there are lots of people who swear by cleanses and while I was once completely against them, I decided, what the hell.  So I ordered some stuff (still waiting for it to arrive) and will be doing a cleanse some time in Feb.

My thought is that if I eliminate all foods while on the cleanse/fast, then when I re-introduce foods, it will be easier to just introduce the good foods and not the crap (crap, yes, but also delicious).  So maybe it will work, maybe it won't but we shall see.  Also I have changed up my workout routine a little.  Since there are three days where I am swamped with school work, I will either not work out those days, or do very light work outs.  On the other 4 days of the week I will be alternating between my Great Buns and Thighs step work out and my Core Pilates tapes.  Next week I will switch it up and alternate between Cardio Step workout and Arms and Abs Weight workout.

Little steps, ladies, little steps.  Eventually they will get us to where we want to be - in skinnier jeans, LOL!

Stay strong ladies!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

What wagon?!?!

Ok, so this past week I not only fell off the healthy wagon, but it ran me over.  And then it backed up and ran me over again.  Dang it!  We all know there's an excuse coming so I won't waste your time bullshitting and saying there is no excuse.  There is one and I think it's a good one.  You may disagree, but here goes.

Soo.... I was a stark raving mad lunatic last week who was eating everything in sight.  I was also curled up on the couch (or the bed) most of the week in a sad attempt to not feel like I was dieing some horrible death.  Yup, that's right, I was on my period.  If anyone says, "Oh well mine aren't that bad, I don't know what you have to complain about."  I will shoot you.  Like, hunt you down and shoot you.  Repeatedly.

I have endometreosis and for those sisters of mine who know what that is, thank you for understanding.  For those that don't, google it.  My case is pretty rough, it's gotten better the past few years, but at it's worst, I have been known to bleed for two weeks, take a week off, then bleed for two more weeks.  During this entire time there would be unbearable cramps which I would have to take off school or work for.  This month wasn't as bad as that, but it still sucked.

But yesterday I got back on the horse.  I worked out using my pilates tape and spiffy new yoga mat.  Today I did all 3 sections of my butt and thighs workout with Kathy Smith.  That's right, ALL 3 sections, AND the warm up, AND the cool down for a total of 50 minutes of ass and leg hell.  Go me!  I also decided to get back on the Wii and see how much weight I gained during my week of hell and surprisingly, I lost 1.5 pounds!  Awesome!  For shits and grins, my age was 26 on there (still younger, woo hoo!).

Basically I fell off the wagon.  The important thing is, I got back on.  This year, I HAVE to get healthy.  Not skinny, HEALTHY.

p.s.  If anyone has any tips to help with the endo, I'd appreciate it (heat does NOT work).  Thanks!

Monday, January 16, 2012

Whew!  It's been awhile since I've posted, but yes I am still here.  So how about a little updating.  First, the food.  I am doing fantastic!  But it's a little easier for me because I already LOVE healthy stuff.  Fresh fruit is my mistress and raw veggies are the beautiful babies (that I eat).  Hmm that was weird, but whatever, you get the point.  I love fruits and veggies, and yes, all veggies, even brussel sprouts and broccoli.  The kid inside me dies a little every time I eat them, but damn they are good :)  I also am a big time water drinker.  I can drink anywhere from 80 to 120 ounces of water a day.  Combine that with my already tiny bladder and it's a miracle I can make it out of the bathroom for very long.  That being said, I love water.  And it has to be plain water, not kool-aid, not lemonade, and not even Propel, just good old, plain, cold water.  Actually, it doesn't even have to be cold.  It's kinda gross, but I have been known to drink water out of random water bottles I've previously left in my car when I get thirsty enough.  I know, I'm gross and will probably die of plastic poisoning or something, but whatever, at least I won't be thirsty. :)

As far as the exercise goes, hmm, not so good.  Between the VCR dieing (and having to wait until pay day to replace it) and limiting cardio until after I see the cardiologist, I have been using my workout ball a lot.  I can't remember what the actual name of that dang thing is, but it's the big, grey, ball that you can sit on and do sit ups and push ups on, not the little water ones.  Also, I bought a yoga mat so I can actually use my pilates tape without pain (hopefully) after the VCR gets fixed.  It's a pretty purple color with some kind of flower on it, aka, the cheapest one the store had.  Sometimes, I throw on some Deadmau5 or Skrillex and just stretch or do random workout things.  It's nice to have structure, but there are some days when you just have to be like, fuck it, I'm just gonna do this and be happy with it.

My last little thing I want to say is to give your self little rewards.  I used to try to give myself food rewards or games or something, but that got expensive and then I ended up just randomly buying things, lol.  However, I do need help or a little motivation to keep going.  Do you remember in school when you would get a test back (and I'm talking elementary school here) and there would be a sticker and the teacher wrote something like "great job" on it?  Well, that's my rewards now.  On my calendar, I put little stickers for everyday that I work out.  It doesn't matter what I do to workout, just that I do SOMETHING, and I get a sticker.  I have to move that day and get out of breath and then I get my little sticker.  Awesome possum.  :)

Monday, January 9, 2012

Excuse me, is my slip showing?

So today I had to return to the doctor (I know right, at this point they should be paying me) and my test were negative (great!), but still have to see the cardiologist later in the month (bummer!).  Over the weekend I kind slipped and didn't work out and didn't eat all that healthy (the infamous brownie made a reappearance - oh the horror!).  However after taking that time off, my arm feels soooo much better!  I can actually lift it up over my head again.  So instead of being hard on myself for slipping, I am just calling it a recovery weekend.  Today I was back on the healthy boat.  Had lots of fruit, boost, water, and yes even jerky, lol!  Pretty much healthy.  I did the Wii fit today and after taking the weekend off, I gained 2 pounds.  Well shit!  Gonna have to really get to work this week to get that back off.  Ta da!  Look at that, I can actually write a short blog, LOL!  Enjoy the week guys and keep at it!